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25/26 June 2024: Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Laxenburg (Austrian Chairmanship)

Main topics

  • Innovative Solutions on Common Strategies for Coping with Migration and Combatting Migrant Smuggling
  • Challenges in the area of security along the Danube (and) in connection with digitalization
  • „Looking beyond” – Milestones of the EU in the Area of Security and Migration for the Years 2024 – 2029

Joint Declaration ( 247 kB)

Group picture - Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Laxenburg © BMI/Jürgen Makowecz
Group picture - Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Laxenburg © BMI/Jürgen Makowecz

11/12 December 2023: Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Brdo pri Kranju (Slovenian Chairmanship)

Main topics

  • Countering migrant smuggling and irregular migration
  • Current state of the Schengen area and way forward
Group picture © Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia
Group picture © Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia

13 June 2023: Virtual Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference (Slovakian Chairmanship)

Main topic

  • Challenges of Salzburg Forum Countries and its Friends in the Area of Illegal Migration, Trafficking in Human Beings, Firearms, and Drugs and Fight Against Hybrid Threats
Virtual Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference © Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic
Virtual Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference © Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic

15/16 November 2022: Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Bucharest (Romanian Chairmanship)

Main topics

  • Preparation for possible developments of the military aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine – the humanitarian and the security perspectives
  • Mixed migration challenges
  • Identification of the regional cooperation needs and measures that can be taken to maintain security and stability in the Western Balkans and the Republic of Moldova

Joint Declaration ( 194 kB)

Group picture © Ministry of Internal Affairs
Group picture © Ministry of Internal Affairs

28 June 2022: Virtual Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference (Polish Chairmanship)

Main topics

  • Hybrid Threats and Instrumentalization of Migration in the Context of Events at the EU's External Borders with Belarus
  • Challenges of the Forum Salzburg Member States in the Context of the Ukraine War
  • Intensification/coordination of return activities
  • Summary of activities and future of the Joint Coordination Platform (JCP)

Joint Declaration ( 333 kB)

14 December 2021: Virtual Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference (Hungarian Chairmanship)

Main topics

  • Asylum and migration - solutions proposed by the European Union and responses from the Member States
  • Border management - the fight against illegal migration and human smuggling traffickers
  • Challenges of migration along the Eastern Mediterranean route
  • Future direction of the Joint Coordination Platform (JCP)
Group picture © Ministry of Interior of Hungary
Group picture © Ministry of Interior of Hungary

23/24 June 2021: Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Prague (Czech Republic)

Main topics

  • Future of the Salzburg Forum
  • Salzburg Forum Agenda 2030
  • Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic and future of the Schengen
  • Future direction of the JCP and migration challenges on the Eastern Mediterranean route
  • Prague Declaration on political guidelines for the JCP

Joint Declaration ( 219 kB), Salzburg Forum Agenda ( 388 kB), Prague Declaration JCP ( 564 kB),

Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Prague © BMI/Jürgen Makowetz

6/7 November 2019: Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Vienna (Austria)

Main topics

  • Human smuggling, borders, security
  • Dublin and Schengen – a new approach towards migration
  • Overview of the Austrian presidency of the Salzburg Forum
  • Outlook on the Bulgarian presidency of the Salzburg Forum
  • Cross-border Enforcement of Road-Safety Related Traffic Offences

Joint Declaration ( 438 kB)

6/7 November 2019: Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Vienna (Austria)
Group picture © BMI / Gerd Pachauer

2 October 2019: Salzburg Forum (and Friends of the Salzburg Forum + Moldova) Police Chiefs Meeting in The Hague (Netherlands)

Main topic:

  • PCC Prüm-Agreement (Experiences, Challenges, Future Developments)
2 October 2019: Salzburg Forum (and Friends of the Salzburg Forum + Moldova) Police Chiefs Meeting in The Hague (Netherlands)
© Patrick Radinger

27/28 May 2019: Salzburg Forum Ministerial Meeting in Portorož (Slovenia)

Main topics

  • Future challenges in the area of migration
  • Future challenges in the area of internal security
  • Financing of JHA agencies in the field of internal security
  • Overview of the Slovenian presidency of the Salzburg Forum
  • Outlook on the Austrian presidency of the Salzburg Forum

Joint Declaration ( 340 kB),

27/28 May 2019: Salzburg Forum Ministerial Meeting in Portorož (Slovenia)
Group picture © Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia

26/27 March 2019: Meeting of the Salzburg Forum Police Chiefs in Brdo pri Kranju (Slovenia)

Main topics

  • Community policing: Presentation of the best practices of the Salzburg Forum Member States

Conclusions ( 73 kB)

26/27 March 2019: Meeting of the Salzburg Forum Police Chiefs in Brdo pri Kranju (Slovenia)
Group picture © Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia

4-6 December 2018: Meeting of the Police Chiefs of the Salzburg Forum Countries

Main topics

  • State of play: Interoperability of the information systems of the European Union and the impact of the draft regulations of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on police practice

Conclusions ( 283 kB)

4-6 December 2018: Meeting of the Police Chiefs of the Salzburg Forum Countries
Group picture © N.N

28/29 November 2018: Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia

Main topics

  • Proposal for a Regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard
  • Recast of the Return Directive
  • Cooperation along the Western Balkan migration route
  • Fight against smuggling and trafficking in drugs, arms and human beings

Joint Declaration ( 162 kB)

28/29 November 2018: Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia
Group picture © Vladimír Benko/Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic

14/15 June 2018: Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Bucharest, Romania

Main topics

  • Border management and interoperability
  • European dimension of community policing
  • Policing in a connected world – novel actionable information
  • Strengthening police cooperation and security in the Western Balkans region. Managing border security and fighting transnational organized crime, as well as illegal migration

Joint Declaration ( 195 kB)

14/15 June 2018: Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in Bucharest, Romania
Group picture © Ministerul Afacerilor Interne

24/25 May 2018: Salzburg Forum Police Chiefs Meeting in Bucharest, Romania

Main topics

  • Enhancing Police cooperation and adapting it to the particularities of multicultural communities at MS level
  • Migration situation in the Western Balkans
  • Actionable information through
    a) Law enforcement intelligence analysis process
    b) Digital data
    c) Digital evidence in the crime scene investigation and general police work

Conclusions ( 376 kB)

24/25 May 2018: Salzburg Forum Police Chiefs Meeting in Bucharest, Romania
Group picture © Centre for Information and Public Relations/Police Romania

12/13 April 2018: Salzburg Forum Vienna Process Ministerial Conference in Vienna, Austria

Main topics

  • Security Union 2020/2025 – “Vienna Process”
  • Border Protection and Asylum
  • Police Cooperation, Human Smuggling, Community Policing
  • Extremism, Terrorism, Cyber Security
  • European Values

Joint Declaration ( 146 kB)

12/13 April 2018: Salzburg Forum Vienna Process Ministerial Conference in Vienna, Austria
Group picture © N.N

15/16 November 2017: Salzburg Forum and the Group of Friends from the Western Balkans & Moldova Ministerial Conference in Warsaw, Poland

Main topics

  • Current challenges to the internal security
  • Overview of the activities of the Polish Presidency in the Salzburg Forum
  • Current challenges in the field of border management in the European Union and in its immediate neighbourhood

Joint Declaration ( 317 kB)

15/16 November 2017: Salzburg Forum and the Group of Friends from the Western Balkans & Moldova Ministerial Conference in Warsaw, Poland
Group picture © N.N

18/19 October 2017: Police Chiefs Meeting in Warsaw, Poland

Main topics

  • Optimizing the use of international information exchange channels
  • Changes in the functioning of the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) due to the increased significance of international cooperation and information exchange
  • Optimizing the use of EUCARIS system
18/19 October 2017: Police Chiefs Meeting in Warsaw, Poland
Group picture © N.N

19/20 June 2017: Ministerial Conference in Budapest, Hungary

Main topics

  • Border security, migration
  • Connection between terrorism, extremism and illegal migration
  • Counteraction to cybercrime

Joint Declaration ( 452 kB)

19/20 June 2017: Ministerial Conference in Budapest, Hungary
Group picture © N.N

8 February 2017: Ministerial Conference “Managing Migration Challenges Together” in Vienna, Austria

Joint Conference of the Ministers of the Interior and the Ministers of Defence of Hungary, the Czech Republic and Austria (as host of the Conference), together with the participating colleagues from the Salzburg Forum (Bulgaria and Romania participating as observers; Greece also participated in the conference) and the Group of Friends from the Western Balkans as well as the Central European Defence Cooperation (CEDC) and their partners from Southeast Europe aiming to agree on a common approach in order to further stem illegal migration along the Western Balkans route and to strengthen the region’s capability to respond as well as its resilience.

Declaration ( 48 kB)

8 February 2017: Ministerial Conference “Managing Migration Challenges Together” in Vienna, Austria
Group picture © BMI/Gerd Pachauer

3/4 November 2016: Ministerial Conference in Prague, Czech Republic

Main topics

  • Migration – exchange of views and most recent development
  • Information sharing as a crucial part of the counter-terrorism policy
  • Enhanced cooperation in the cross-border search for missing children
  • Reduction of methamphetamine production by regulating availability of drug precursors

Joint Declaration ( 338 kB)

3/4 November 2016: Ministerial Conference in Prague, Czech Republic
Group picture © N.N

12/13 October 2016: Police Chiefs Meeting in Mikulov, Czech Republic

Main topics

  • Fight against terrorism – to make a flow of information and a management of information systems more efficient
  • Fight against illegal migration – to intensify the exchange of information about counterfeited and forged travel documents
  • The importance of global approach and the role INTERPOL in the fight against terrorism and illegal immigration

Common Conclusions ( 243 kB)

12/13 October 2016: Police Chiefs Meeting in Mikulov, Czech Republic
Group picture © N.N

13/14 June 2016: Ministerial Conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia

Main topics

  • Migration – Exchange of Information and Cooperation
  • Challenges in Future Border Management
  • The Fight against Terrorism
  • Schengen Enlargement
  • Regional Development and Protection Programme for Ukraine

Joint Declaration ( 380 kB)

18/19 November 2015: Ministerial Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria

Main topics

  • Migration – Stability and Security
  • Fight against Terrorism
  • Challenges posed by increased migratory pressure along the Western Balkan Route – common measures and enhancement of cooperation
  • EU Perspective of the Western Balkans and Promoting the Deepening of the Cooperation between the EU and the Republic of Moldova

Joint Declaration ( 345 kB)

13/14 June 2016: Ministerial Conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia
Group picture © N.N
Ministerial conference
Ministerial conference © N.N

4/5 May 2015: Ministerial Conference in St. Pölten, Austria

Main topics

  • Migration and Asylum
  • Schengen Accession of Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia
  • Situation in Ukraine
  • Security Police Cooperation with a focus on the Fight against Terrorism
  • Cyber Security

Joint Declaration ( 397 kB)

4/5 May 2015: Ministerial Conference in St. Pölten, Austria
Group picture © N.N

19/20 March 2015: Salzburg Forum Police Chiefs Meeting in Laa an der Thaya, Austria

Main topics

  • Fight against Terrorism
  • Fight against Illegal Migration
  • Information Management and Enhancing Cooperation between the Single Points of Contact

Joint Declaration ( 234 kB)

19/20 March 2015: Salzburg Forum Police Chiefs Meeting in Laa an der Thaya, Austria
Group picture © N.N

11/12 November 2014: Ministerial Conference in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia

Main topics

  • Foreign fighters and the threat of further radicalisation and recruitment
  • New regulation establishing a European Union agency for law enforcement training (Cepol)
  • Strengthening Regional Cooperation in the Area of Drug Precursors
  • Enhancing police cooperation of Salzburg Forum members in the form of police chief meetings

Joint Declaration ( 63 kB)

11/12 November 2014: Ministerial Conference in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia
Group picture © N.N

19 June 2014: Ministerial Conference in Modra, Slovakia

Main topics

  • Post-Stockholm Programme
  • Selection of the new Frontex Executive Director
  • Cooperation in the context of the situation in Ukraine
  • Invalidation of the Data Retention Directive

Joint Declaration ( 168 kB)

19 June 2014: Ministerial Conference in Modra, Slovakia
Group picture © N.N