Key documents
Trio Presidency and 18-month work programme
The SF Vision 2020 also established a new coordination system – the trio presidency meaning that three successive member states preside
over the SF together and define their common goals in an 18-month work programme. The aim of the triple-shared presidency is to achieve
consistency and continuity in the work of the Salzburg Forum despite the rotating chairmanship. What is more, the trio presidency also reflects the mode of functioning of the Council
of the European Union introduced in 2007. As a result of trio presidencies, it is possible to identify and develop longer-term priorities and strategies.
In 2012 Croatia became a Salzburg Forum Member State.
18-month work programme
You can find the current Salzburg Forum 18-month work programme
For more information on the18-month work programme go to “Salzburg Forum Vision 2020”.