Facts & Figures
2000 | Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary found the Salzburg Forum (SF) ( 27 kB) as a Central European Platform for Internal Security The SF is an Austrian initiative and Austria holds the chairmanship |
2003 | The 2003 Salzburg Declaration ( 29 kB) lays the foundations for the principle of a 6-month rotation system of the chairmanship in alphabetical order |
2004 | The Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary join the EU |
Oct. 2006 | Bulgaria and Romania become members of the Salzburg Forum after having signed the EU Accession Treaty |
2006 | Croatia is granted observer status in the Salzburg Forum |
Oct. 2006 | The Salzburg Forum Member States adopt a common external strategy of the Salzburg Forum at the Ministerial Conference in Brdo ( 20 kB) |
Sept. 2007 | The Salzburg Forum Member States establish a Group of Friends of the Salzburg Forum ( 63 kB) on the basis of the common external strategy: The Western Balkan Countries have been regularly invited to participate in the Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conferences ever since |
Sept. 2007 | 21 September 2007: First Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference with the Western Balkan Countries |
2008 | The Republic of Moldova takes part in a Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference for the first time |
2010 | 10-year anniversary conference in Salzburg ( 40 kB) |
Aug. 2010 | The Salzburg Forum Member States adopt the Salzburg Forum Vision 2020 ( 44 kB) which sets out the roadmap for the next 10 years. The SF Vision 2020 also establishes a new coordination system – the trio presidency and the 18-month work programmes |
Jan. 2011 - June 2012 |
First Salzburg Forum trio presidency ( 122 kB) (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic) |
Nov. 2011 | Memorandum of Understanding on Enhancement of Cooperation in the field of Road Safety and facilitating cross-border enforcement of road-safety related traffic offences is signed |
2012 | Croatia joins the Salzburg Forum after having signed the EU Accession Treaty |
Oct. 2012 | Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia and Hungary sign the Salzburg Forum Agreement on the Cross-Border Enforcement (CBE) of road-safety related traffic offences |
May 2015 | Signing of the implementation agreement for the Forum Salzburg CBE Convention at the Forum Salzburg Ministerial Conference in St. Pölten (Austria) |
2019/2020 | Start of operational exchange as part of the Forum Salzburg CBE agreement between Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Croatia |
June 2021 | The Salzburg Forum Agenda 2030 |