Treaties & Agreements
CBE Memorandum of Understanding
CBE – Cross-Border Enforcement (of road safety related traffic offences)
Official title: Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministers of Interior of the Salzburg Forum States and the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia on Enhancement of Cooperation in the Field of Road Safety and facilitating cross-border enforcement of road-safety related Traffic Offences
On the basis of EU council framework decisions concerning cross-border crimes and in particular the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council facilitating cross-border exchange of information on road safety related traffic offences (hereinafter “CBE Directive”) the eight SF member states and Croatia signed a Memorandum of Understanding to implement the CBE Directive. It is aimed at reducing fatalities, injuries and damage in the traffic. Based on this Memorandum of Understanding as a political declaration of intent, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia and Hungary signed the Agreement on Facilitating Cross-border Enforcement of Road Safety Related Traffic Offences on 11 October 2012.