Treaties & Agreements
CBE Agreement
CBE – Cross-Border Enforcement (of road safety related traffic offences)
Official title: Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, Hungary and the Republic of Austria on Facilitating Cross-border Enforcement of Road Safety Related Traffic Offences
In the past years an increase in traffic offences committed by drivers with a vehicle registered abroad has been observed. However, the prosecution of such offences has been difficult due to a lack of contractual basis as well as a lack of cross-border cooperation between the authorities concerned.
At EU level the “Directive 2011/82/EU facilitating the cross-border exchange of information on road safety related traffic offences” (CBE directive) was adopted in 2011. For prosecution purposes, the directive makes the automated access to data of holders of a vehicle registered anywhere in the EU possible. The respective holder of the vehicle then receives an information letter asking him/her to pay the fine and to reveal the identity of the driver. The CBE directive had to be implemented everywhere in the EU by November 2013.
In addition to the CBE directive the Salzburg Forum member states Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia and Hungary signed the Salzburg Forum CBE Agreement on 11 October 2012 in order tofacilitate cooperation for cross-border enforcement of road-safety related traffic offences. The Agreement is open for accession to the other Salzburg Forum Member States, all Member States of the EU and the European Economic Area and Switzerland.
Areas covered by the Agreement
The CBE Agreement covers the 8 traffic offences of the CBE directive:
- speeding
- non-use of a seat-belt
- failing to stop at a red traffic light
- drink-driving
- driving under the influence of drugs
- failing to wear a safety helmet
- use of a forbidden lane
- illegally using a mobile telephone or any other communication devices while driving
The CBE Agreement also covers the non-cooperation of the owner of the vehicle in identifying the person driving the vehicle.
For more information on the Agreement, please see text of the Agreement ( 294 kB).
ATIA to the CBE Agreement
ATIA – Administrative and Technical Implementing Agreement
CBE Agreement – Cross-Border Enforcement (of road safety related traffic offences)
In the framework of the Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference in St. Pölten on 4 and 5 May 2015, the Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, Hungary and Austria signed the Administrative and Technical Implementing Agreement to the CBE Agreement.